Pages tagged by "food security"
Food security, structural transformation, markets and government policy
Food prices are a key signal about what is happening to food security, and two dimensions are important: their average level (and whether this is rising...
Linkage between rural voters and politicians: effects on rice policies in the Philippines and Thailand
This article explains how linkages between politicians and rural voters affected the design of agricultural policies, using rice in two countries as...
Responding to global challenges in food, energy, environment and water: risks and options assessment for decision-making
We analyse the threats of global environmental change, as they relate to food security. First, we review three discourses: (i) ‘sustainable...
Food security in India: the imperative and its challenges
This article addresses the imperative of food security in India in the context of persistent prevalence of malnutrition despite several years of rapid...
Food security in Asia and the Pacific: The rapidly changing role of rice
Food security in Asia and the Pacific presents a frustrating paradox. At one level, huge progress has been made in the past half century in bringing most...
Updated: 9 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office