Pages tagged by "Economic policy"
Towards a lifelong active society: coping with Japan's changing population
In order to cope with Japan’s globally unprecedented ageing population, it is extremely important to promote the employment of older people. By taking...
Fiscal challenges for Australia: the next decade and beyond
In Australia, both the Commonwealth and state governments are running substantial budget deficits, and future challenges are likely to make these problems...
Prosperity, sustainability and the measurement of wealth
Gross domestic product (GDP) and household income measures provide invaluable metrics of economic activity in an economy, but they tell us little about...
Take-off, persistence and sustainability: the demographic factor in Chinese growth
With the reduction of the working-age population and the increase of the population dependency ratio as the main indicators of the diminishing demographic...
Demographic change in the Asian Century: implications for Australia and the region
Declining fertility and mortality rates in the second half of the twentieth century have led to the twenty-first century being characterised as the...
Long-term fiscal sustainability in advanced economies
With the Great Recession leaving nearly all advanced economies with substantially higher debt–gross domestic product ratios, this paper re-evaluates the...
Updated: 15 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office