Pages tagged by "governance"
The clientelism trap in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, and its impact on aid policy
Clientelism is a central feature of politics in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Most voters vote in search of personalized or localized benefit, and...
Governance and finance: availability of community and social development infrastructures in rural China
This article studies the causes for unequal access to rural community and social development infrastructures in China. We use a dataset in the China...
Nongovernmental organizations and influence on global public policy
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) were once considered as altruistic groups which aim was to impartially influence public policy with no vested...
Using signal processing diagnostics to improve public sector evaluations
False positive test results that overstate intervention impacts can distort and constrain the capability to learn and adapt in governance, and are...
Strengthening trade and health governance capacities to address non-communicable diseases in Asia: challenges and ways forward
Trade liberalisation is a driver of the rising burden of non-communicable diseases in Asia through its role in facilitating the growth of the region’s...
Updated: 10 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office