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Policy Forum Pod: A vision for the North

28 October 2018

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Quentin Grafton is Director of the Centre for Water Economics, Environment and Policy (CWEEP) at Crawford School of Public Policy. In April 2010 he was appointed the Chairholder, the UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance.

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On this week’s Policy Forum Pod, Peter Yu looks at how to add cultural substance to Australia’s vacuous policy history when it comes to the development of its northern region.

Northern Australia comprises roughly half of the Australian continent, but certainly receives less than half the attention from policymakers. It’s a region with challenging geography, wide cultural diversity, and enduring social inequality, and ever since Federation, it’s been the subject of grand thought bubbles from politicians with visions of turning the region into Australia’s next economic powerhouse.

On this week’s podcast, hosts Sharon Bessell and Quentin Grafton hear from Peter Yu about the economic, geographic and development challenges facing the north, and why there might, in fact, be more solutions than problems.

Listen to the podcast here.

Peter Yu is a Yawuru Man from Broome in the Kimberley region in North West Australia with over 35 years’ experience in Indigenous development and advocacy in the Kimberley and at the state, national and international level.

Sharon Bessell is the Director of the Children’s Policy Centre in Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.

Quentin Grafton is Editor-in-Chief of Policy Forum. He is Professor of Economics at Crawford School of Public Policy, Convenor of the Global Actions on Human Water Security, Director of the Centre for Water Economics, Environment and Policy (CWEEP) and Director of the Food, Energy, Environment, and Water (FE2W) Network.

Show notes | The following were referred to in this episode:

Collaborative governance for the Sustainable Development Goals – an Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies journal article by Ann Florini & Markus Pauli

Podcast: Australia’s light bulb moment – with Emma Aisbett, Paul Burke and Matt Stocks

Policy Forum Pod is available on iTunes, Stitcher, and wherever you get your podcasts. We’d love to hear your feedback for this podcast series! Send in your questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes to You can also Tweet us @APPSPolicyForum or find us on Facebook.

This episode of Policy Forum Pod was produced by Martyn Pearce. It was edited by Julia Ahrens.

This post and podcast was first published on, Crawford School’s platform for public policy debate, analysis, views, and discussion.

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