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Hijacking Adat recognition through the establishment of New Customary Community Council in Papua, Indonesia
Papuan supporters of the Special Autonomy Law hoped that it would become an instrument to ensure their right to equality through the respect and...
Mitigating tensions over land conversion in Papua, Indonesia
In the south of the biodiversity-rich Indonesian province of Papua, a large agricultural program is planned for the districts around Merauke, with the...
Increasing women's parliamentary representation in Asia and the Pacific: the Indonesian experience
In recent years, governments across Asia and the Pacific have adopted gender quotas to increase women’s representation in parliament. In 2003, Indonesia...
Statistics on ethnic diversity in the land of Papua, Indonesia
This paper aims to quantitatively uncover ethnic diversity in multi-ethnic Land of Papua, an Indonesian region with a large inflow of migration and rising...
Indonesia's ‘Great Power’ aspirations: a critical view
Indonesia is readying itself for a return to a diplomatic assertiveness not seen since the early 1960s. Partly, this reflects the approach of 0050...
Assessing Indonesia's normative influence: wishful thinking or hidden strength
This article takes a critical stance on Indonesia’s normative influence. Whilst normative influence does help explain why Indonesia matters beyond the...
The new nationalism in Indonesia
A new nationalist mood is visible in Indonesia, expressed in increasingly bellicose rejection of alleged foreign interference in Indonesia’s affairs and...
Access to safe drinking water and sanitation in Indonesia
In 1990, 30 per cent of Indonesian population had no access to improved drinking water source. Almost 65 per cent lacked access to improved sanitation—and...
The evolution of cash transfers in Indonesia: policy transfer and national adaptation
Cash transfers became a subject of international policy transfer, but the underlying policy process is far more complex than simple policy diffusion. In...
Updated: 15 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office