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Twenty years' evolution of North Korean migration, 1994–2014: a human security perspective

Over the past two decades, there have been notable changes in North Korean migration: from forced migration to trafficking in women, from heroic...

The evolution of cash transfers in Indonesia: policy transfer and national adaptation

Cash transfers became a subject of international policy transfer, but the underlying policy process is far more complex than simple policy diffusion. In...

Tackling substandard and falsified medicines in the Mekong: national responses and regional prospects

The wide circulation of substandard medicines in Southeast Asia is a serious public health concern. Substandard medicines may contain none, or inadequate...

Factors affecting entry into supply chain trade: an analysis of firms in Southeast Asia

This article undertakes a comparative, firm-level analysis of joining supply chain trade in five Southeast Asian economies to improve our understanding of...

Comparing the health care systems of high-performing Asian countries

The newly industrialised and high income economies of East Asia perform remarkably well on a range of health system indicators. We adopt an institutional...

The future of social policy- changing the paradigm

The future of the social state is, throughout the world, uncertain, but, as Piketty argues, it is of the utmost importance. The dominant paradigm for...

Why does the government fail to improve the living conditions of migrant workers in Shanghai?

How to get affordable housing is the primary concern of many peasant migrants working in Shanghai. Although the central government has issued a series of...

Taxation challenges in developing countries

A well-functioning revenue system is a necessary condition for strong, sustained and inclusive economic development. However, the revenue systems in some...

Is there a role for social pensions in Asia?

Rapid population ageing and economic transformation in Asia underline the policy challenges associated with ensuring income security in old age. This...

The impact of a food for education program on schooling in Cambodia

This study is an evaluation of the impact of a food for education program implemented in primary schools (grades 1–6) in six Cambodian provinces between...


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Updated:  15 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  Editorial office