Asia Pacific
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‘Climate refugees’: an Oceanic perspective
The primary argument of this article seeks to highlight the irresponsible and insensitive categorisation of the Pacific peoples as ‘climate refugees’....
Increasing women's parliamentary representation in Asia and the Pacific: the Indonesian experience
In recent years, governments across Asia and the Pacific have adopted gender quotas to increase women’s representation in parliament. In 2003, Indonesia...
The future of ecosystem services in Asia and the Pacific
We estimated the current value of ecosystem services for terrestrial ecosystems in 47 countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. Currently, these...
Demographic change in the Asian Century: implications for Australia and the region
Declining fertility and mortality rates in the second half of the twentieth century have led to the twenty-first century being characterised as the...
Updated: 15 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office