Southeast Asia
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Mitigating tensions over land conversion in Papua, Indonesia
In the south of the biodiversity-rich Indonesian province of Papua, a large agricultural program is planned for the districts around Merauke, with the...
Why a national peace agreement is important for Myanmar
As Myanmar readies itself for the second national conference on its ‘new’ peace process in February 2017, an update on outstanding issues with Myanmar’s...
Child protection and maltreatment in the Philippines: a systematic review of the literature
To gain a better understanding of the dimensions, characteristics and phenomenon of child maltreatment and its policy responses in the Philippines, this...
Assessing the efficiency costs of Vietnam's ‘missing’ small and medium sized enterprises: a panel data investigation
This article investigates whether there are efficiency costs associated with the pronounced rightward skew in the firm size distribution, or Vietnam’s ...
Linkage between rural voters and politicians: effects on rice policies in the Philippines and Thailand
This article explains how linkages between politicians and rural voters affected the design of agricultural policies, using rice in two countries as...
Land inequality or productivity: what mattered in Southern Vietnam after 1975?
Land redistribution and agricultural collective production were the key components of agrarian reforms implemented by the Vietnamese Communist Party in...
Indonesia's ‘Great Power’ aspirations: a critical view
Indonesia is readying itself for a return to a diplomatic assertiveness not seen since the early 1960s. Partly, this reflects the approach of 0050...
Assessing Indonesia's normative influence: wishful thinking or hidden strength
This article takes a critical stance on Indonesia’s normative influence. Whilst normative influence does help explain why Indonesia matters beyond the...
Strategic choices in Myanmar's transition and Myanmar's national security policies
Since 2011, Myanmar’s leaders have concentrated on ensuring the success of their overall political transition, given the expectations created after the ...
Anticipating the struggle against everyday impunity in Myanmar through accounts from Bangladesh and Thailand
Work done internationally to address impunity concentrates on removing blanket amnesties and establishing commissions of inquiry into past atrocities....
Updated: 10 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office