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Using signal processing diagnostics to improve public sector evaluations

False positive test results that overstate intervention impacts can distort and constrain the capability to learn and adapt in governance, and are...

Expanded social protection may do more harm than good: a pessimistic review

There is growing interest in expanded social protection programs, even for the poorest countries. Technology now allows cash transfers to be delivered to...

Chinese overseas hydropower dams and social sustainability: the Bui Dam in Ghana and the Kamchay Dam in Cambodia

There is a shortage of empirical studies on the relationship between Chinese hydropower dams and social sustainability. Comparative research on Chinese...

Managing risk and increasing the robustness of invasive species eradication programs

Invasive species eradication programs can fail by applying management strategies that are not robust to potentially large but non-quantified risks. A more...

Governance for effective policy-relevant scientific research: the shared governance model

Despite the aligned aspirations of many applied scientists and policy-makers that science should contribute directly to policy decisions, there are...


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Updated:  15 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  Editorial office