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Three turns in the evolution of China–Russia presidential pseudo‐alliance
The unique quality of relations between Russia and China cannot be captured by the term “partnership,” but the development of high‐level ties does not...
Collaborative governance for the Sustainable Development Goals
The advent of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals has refocused global attention on the roles of business and other nonstate actors in achieving global...
International law in a post-post-Cold War world—can it survive?
Recent world developments pose a direct challenge to the authority and effectiveness of international law. The actions of Russia in Ukraine, and China in...
Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia (MIKTA): middle, regional, and constructive powers providing global governance
This paper argues that MIKTA (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia) are middle, regional, and constructive powers that can serve as...
Poverty measurement: we know less than policy makers realize
There is a widespread policy interest in poverty estimates at both national and global level. There has been an explosion of poverty measurement in the...
The European Union and China: the need for a more politicised relationship
China and the European Union (EU) in 2016 have one of the largest economic relationships to the world, with a network of strategic dialogues covering...
Ethics, international affairs and Western double standards
The stability of the global order is a function of the reconciliation between universal ethical principles and power asymmetries. Both principles and...
Responding to global challenges in food, energy, environment and water: risks and options assessment for decision-making
We analyse the threats of global environmental change, as they relate to food security. First, we review three discourses: (i) ‘sustainable...
Nongovernmental organizations and influence on global public policy
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) were once considered as altruistic groups which aim was to impartially influence public policy with no vested...
Prosperity, sustainability and the measurement of wealth
Gross domestic product (GDP) and household income measures provide invaluable metrics of economic activity in an economy, but they tell us little about...
Updated: 15 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office