East Asia

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Understanding the spatial disparities and vulnerability of population aging in China

Understanding the regional pattern of population aging in China enables rational policy making to address the challenges of inequity in social welfare and...

The Belt and Road Initiative: what is in it for China?

China’s outbound investment exceeded inbound investment for the first time in 2015. In years leading up this transition, a maturing demographic transition...

Three turns in the evolution of China–Russia presidential pseudo‐alliance

The unique quality of relations between Russia and China cannot be captured by the term “partnership,” but the development of high‐level ties does not...

Organizational culture and public diplomacy in the digital sphere: The case of South Korea

Digital diplomacy is the latest technological advance to push change in diplomatic practice. It relates to the application of digital technologies,...

Urban innovation policy in the postdevelopmental era: lessons from Singapore and Seoul

This article examines the impact of policies for start‐up and entrepreneurship on the developmental model that remains a policy legacy in many Asian...

Privacy concerns in China's smart city campaign: the deficit of China's Cybersecurity Law

Many cities around the world are increasingly embedding technological infrastructure in urban spaces. These infrastructures aim to collect vast amounts of...

Capitalist maturity and South Korea's post‐development conundrum

South Korea’s post World War II economic development trajectory is well known. From an impoverished warn‐torn nation, the country has progressed on all...

'Japan is back': autonomy and balancing amidst an unstable China–U.S.–Japan triangle

Japan’s security policy has changed dramatically in recent years. The country balances harder against China, and its armed forces are increasingly...

At the crossroads: an uncertain future facing the electricity‐generation sector in South Korea

Nuclear energy has provided a major source of clean electricity for South Korea over decades. However, the South Korean Government announced an energy...

Insurance Plus Futures: agricultural commodity price reform in China

China’s agricultural support policies are moving towards market institutions through a quasi‐market transition. Ten years of direct minimum purchase price...


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Updated:  15 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  Editorial office