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Controlling irregular migration in the Asia-Pacific: is Australia acting against its own interests?
Australia invests heavily throughout the Asia-Pacific region in mechanisms to control irregular people movements. Information has been leaked about...
Fiscal challenges for Australia: the next decade and beyond
In Australia, both the Commonwealth and state governments are running substantial budget deficits, and future challenges are likely to make these problems...
The policy and politics of reform of the Australian Goods and Services Tax
In February this year, Prime Minister Turnbull took Goods and Services Tax (GST) reform off the table, but history would suggest it will come into play...
Augmenting expert elicitation with structured visual deliberation
Policy decisions frequently depend on quantitative judgements made by domain experts. The quality of those judgements depends in turn on the nature of the...
Implications of Australia's population policy for future greenhouse gas emissions targets
Australia’s high per capita emissions rates makes it is a major emitter of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, but its low intrinsic growth rate means that...
Australia's productivity: some insights from productivity analysis
Since the turn of the century, multifactor productivity has stagnated. Australia’s income growth was supported until recent years by strong growth in the...
Demographic change in the Asian Century: implications for Australia and the region
Declining fertility and mortality rates in the second half of the twentieth century have led to the twenty-first century being characterised as the...
Australia in the Asian Century
The White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century, published in 2012, argued that fundamental policy and attitudinal changes would be required if...
Beyond life support? Reflections on Solomon Islands after the Regional Assistance Mission
The Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands was conceived in the ‘state-building moment’ that informed Western responses to ‘state...
The unipolar anxieties: Australia's Melanesia policy after the age of intervention
As a consequence of its membership of a US-centred global alliance network, Australia’s regional obligations in the South Pacific are as pertinent to...
Updated: 15 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office