Pacific seasonal workers: Learning from the contrasting temporary migration outcomes in Australian and New Zealand horticulture
“Crowding out” is a widely accepted claim in migration analysis, which posits that the preference of profit‐maximising employers for irregular and...
The Pacific islands in the twenty‐first century
Editorial for the APPS Special Issue The Pacific islands in the twenty-first century
Transformative mobilities in the Pacific: Promoting adaptation and development in a changing climate
Climate change is affecting Pacific life in significant and complex ways. Human mobility is shaped by climate change and is increasingly positioned by...
Labour mobility in the PACER Plus
Since the commencement of the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus negotiations in 2009, the Pacific Forum Island Countries have maintained...
The Sri Lankan civil war and Australia's migration policy response: a historical case study with contemporary implications
Sri Lanka’s civil war lasted almost 26 years and cost tens of thousands of lives. Since the end of the war in 2009, several thousand asylum seekers from...
‘Climate refugees’: an Oceanic perspective
The primary argument of this article seeks to highlight the irresponsible and insensitive categorisation of the Pacific peoples as ‘climate refugees’....
Controlling irregular migration in the Asia-Pacific: is Australia acting against its own interests?
Australia invests heavily throughout the Asia-Pacific region in mechanisms to control irregular people movements. Information has been leaked about...
The ‘Paradox of Diversity’: economic evidence from US cities 1980–2010
We evaluate the economic significance of linguistic barriers to communication in 226 US cities from 1980 to 2010. We address the question: to what extent...
Statistics on ethnic diversity in the land of Papua, Indonesia
This paper aims to quantitatively uncover ethnic diversity in multi-ethnic Land of Papua, an Indonesian region with a large inflow of migration and rising...
Demographic change in the Asian Century: implications for Australia and the region
Declining fertility and mortality rates in the second half of the twentieth century have led to the twenty-first century being characterised as the...
Updated: 15 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office