Public administration
Why a national peace agreement is important for Myanmar
As Myanmar readies itself for the second national conference on its ‘new’ peace process in February 2017, an update on outstanding issues with Myanmar’s...
Insights for Indigenous policy from the applied behavioural sciences
People are neither completely rational, nor completely random in their decisions. Rather, they exhibit predictable biases that not only make it less...
The ‘Paradox of Diversity’: economic evidence from US cities 1980–2010
We evaluate the economic significance of linguistic barriers to communication in 226 US cities from 1980 to 2010. We address the question: to what extent...
Towards a lifelong active society: coping with Japan's changing population
In order to cope with Japan’s globally unprecedented ageing population, it is extremely important to promote the employment of older people. By taking...
Influence of safety risk perception on post-Fukushima generation mix and its policy implications in Japan
Four years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, a future portfolio of the electrical power generation mix was finally and officially...
Fiscal challenges for Australia: the next decade and beyond
In Australia, both the Commonwealth and state governments are running substantial budget deficits, and future challenges are likely to make these problems...
The political economy of road management reform: Papua New Guinea's National Road Fund
Papua New Guinea’s (PNG’s) road system is in a parlous state after decades of neglect. More than half of the roads in the country require urgent...
Poverty measurement: we know less than policy makers realize
There is a widespread policy interest in poverty estimates at both national and global level. There has been an explosion of poverty measurement in the...
The policy and politics of reform of the Australian Goods and Services Tax
In February this year, Prime Minister Turnbull took Goods and Services Tax (GST) reform off the table, but history would suggest it will come into play...
Augmenting expert elicitation with structured visual deliberation
Policy decisions frequently depend on quantitative judgements made by domain experts. The quality of those judgements depends in turn on the nature of the...
Updated: 15 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: Editorial office